We are all in uncharted territory right now but we are going to get through it, stronger and more connected to each other than ever before. I hope that you and all your loved ones are staying safe. (Inside, away from other humans as much as possible) I’ve put a list of resources together that I hope will be helpful while we all navigate life during Covid-19.
I will continue to add links and news that I find helpful as I come across them. If you have other resources you’d like to add to this page please email me at christy@christyschmid.com
Last updated: 6/11/2020
These are links to discussions and resources to help everyone start thinking about getting back to set as safely as possible when it’s time. There are a lot of overlapping thoughts + resources. I tried to curate links that touched on specific topics with expert opinions.
AICP Set and Workplace Guidelines.
Chicago’s Film and TV Guidelines.
CERTIFICATE: Osha Production Infection Control Course Samantha Ipson put together a Covid – Safety certification program with an OSHA Outreach Safety Trainer. $100 // lasts approximately 1.5 hours.
CERTIFICATE: Safe Sets International – Practice Safe Sets (guides to set practices from around the world as well as a certificate training program)
ASMP May 13, 2020: “A Guide to Shooting Safely”
*There have been countless webinars but this ASMP webinar featuring General Counsel, Tom Maddrey, has been the most informative to me so far.
ASMP link to downloadable waivers for clients and crew, social distancing policies and (above) webinar pdf.
How two film sets operated safely during Covid-19.
Producers / Reps / Directors / Photographers: AICP Contract Amendment for Live Action Production.
AbelCine Presents: The Technologies and Processes Behind Safe Remote Cinema Production Webinar (with stories from people who have been on sets recently)
Framework for Reopening Chicago Amid Covid-19
Hair and Makeup Artists – Barbicide offers two certification courses.
CDC Guidelines for small businesses when opening up during Covid-19.
Recorded Video Call: Biz Talk Episode 5 | Liability & Safety On Set: We continue the topic of safety on set by discussing liability and what a waiver would look like (with an attorney), changes in our terms and conditions, and hear some stories being discussed.
Recorded Video Call: The Art of Freelance: The Road Ahead: Safety on Set in a COVID-19 World (discussion with Dr. Davenport – a specialist in infectious disease)
Film Florida Releases Detailed Recommendations For Safe Sets In Era Of COVID-19: No Director’s Chairs, No Trailers, Clear Barriers For Actors & More
AICP COVID-19 Workplace Guidelines and Considerations
Trigger Casting + Trigger Studio (in Chicago) has put together a response plan for when productions ramp up again.
Art Buyers and Art Directors looking to shoot stills or video: Heather Elder has helped create a solution for safely creating work before we are able to go back to larger productions. Create in Place is an online directory of photographers and videographers who are able to create stills and motion content from within their own homes. By utilizing their own families and other people and pets with whom they are Sheltering in Place, they are able to create varied stills and motion content. Heather and Jim have collected photographers with varied options such as cabins, lofts, live-work studios, farms, teenagers, babies, seniors, drones, dogs, cats, llamas and horses. And, the list continues to grow every day.
ASMP Strictly Business Webinars and Town Halls
Workbook Radio + Dear Art Producer – Where we are now series
Art of Freelance: The Road Ahead: Safety on Set in a COVID-19 World
Workbook Radio, in partnership with the Dear Art Producer Podcast, bring you timely conversations on topics affecting the commercial art community.
Panel: Artists In a Time of Global Pandemic (ASL & Captioned)For US-Based Freelance Artists and Cultural Workers in all Disciplines
ASMP Midwest – The Importance of Personal Work in Challenging Times with Jason Lindsey
ASMP is advocating for artists and keeping people up to date with actions and legislation surrounding this pandemic and economic relief.
Freelancers Union Relief Fund – Freelancers Relief Fund will offer financial assistance of up to $1,000 per freelance household to cover lost income due to Covid-19 and essential expenses not covered by government relief programs. 100% of all donations will be distributed directly to freelancers in need. Applications for funding will open on April 2, 2020.
Adobe put together a list of grants for artists during Covid19
*last updated in March
Congress must expand the Families First Act to protect the self-employed laterally impacted by COVID19.
Tell Congress to include displaced entertainment workers in relief package.
IL Residents:
Please join in with me in sending this letter to our State and Us Senators! Link to letter and instructions here.
Responses to this questionnaire will assist the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity in evaluating specific areas of need at this time.
*last updated in March
On Friday 3/20, the U.S. Treasury Department, Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and the U.S. Department of Labor announced two new refundable tax credits that offer relief to employees, small and midsize businesses, and the self-employed under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. Here are the specifics of these tax credits as they apply to the freelance community.
AICP calls out brands for owing hundreds of millions in late payments amid coronavirus pandemic.
Fortune Article: Coronavirus economic relief proposals are overlooking the 57 million Americans who are self-employed
Photoshelter Blog: How Freelance Photographers Are Dealing with the Economic Effects of Coronavirus
Collecting Unemployment When You’re Self-Employed
CNBC Article – 5 actions freelancers should take right now to protect against crises like COVID-19
Forbes Article – List Of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Small Business Relief Programs
NYTimes Article – our Money: A Hub for Help During the Coronavirus Crisis
*last updated in March
AICP (Association of Independent Commercial Producers) has put together a list of coronavirus resources for our industry. They also are shared an amendment to your Terms and Conditions (<pdf download) during Covid-19 Times.
ASMP Covid-19 Resources for Photographers
An aggregated list of FREE resources, opportunities, and financial relief options available to artists of all disciplines.
PhotoPolitic List – Disaster Relief Organizations
Authority Collective COVID-19 Mutual Aid and Resources
The Art of Freelance Blog wrote a thoughtful response to freelancers during the Covid-19 Outbreak: Thoughts on Freelancing in a COVID-19 World with links to a ton of resources.
Photographers and Producers – Therese wrote a blog post on a few steps to protect yourself during these times, and going forward.
Get 2 free months of Adobe Online – steps here.
If you’re a photographer stuck at home due to the coronavirus pandemic, Professional Photographers of America (PPA) has got your back. The trade association has made all of its 1,100+ online photography classes free for the next two weeks. (posted 3/21)
Creative Live Free Health and Wellness Videos – Right now it’s more important than ever to focus on our health and wellbeing – not only for ourselves but to support one another. You can now stream these health and wellness classes 24/7.
Peloton is offering a 30 day free trial period on their workout app. You do not have to own the bike they do all sorts of workouts (body weight, free weight, yoga). You will have to enter a credit card and remember to cancel it in 1 months time however.
The Chicago Film Office is not issuing film permits until June 15.
LA Film Office – Based on a forthcoming announcement from the County of Los Angeles, we expect to begin accepting applications for film permits on Monday, June 15, 2020.
New York Film Office – Through at least June 15, 2020, no new film permits will be granted, with the exception of film permits for the news media. OFTB staff is working remotely at this time. If you need information about permits, please contact us at 212-489-6710.
Quick Stats – https://ncov2019.live/ – Worldwide Corona Cases – A teenager from the Seattle area has built a website that is keeping the world updated on the COVID-19 pandemic as it spreads. The website has been visited by 12 million people since it launched in late December.