Chicago Photo Crew Survey Results
After spending a couple weeks talking to crew about unemployment and plans + fears about going back to set, I thought I would create a survey to be able to cast a wider net to see how our crew in Chicago is feeling and thinking about going back to set right now.
There have been some really amazing webinars and town halls geared toward going back to set. I’ve heard from lots of photographers, directors, producers, reps and agency producers. I think it’s important to consider the voices of our crew as we start thinking about going back to set.
Obviously there is a lot of cross over with print and motion worlds, this survey focuses specifically on freelance photography crew in Chicago. Different cities have different timelines for reopening and film sets will have some issues that photo sets do not (and vice versa).
Download the Crew Survey Results.
Please feel free to share this survey – and please let me know if you have any questions you might want to address in future surveys. Send comments to >
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